Thursday 4 October 2012

Quinoa... BURRITOS. You're welcome.

So I signed up for a 5k 4 days ago because I am awesome like that. But no actually I just wanted to be chased by zombies for some sort of fitness reason so it sounded more legit. You see, it's a ZOMBIE 5k. As in zombies will stumble after me while I run 3.1 miles to the quarantine party where beer gardens and food trucks await me. Can you say Jenny's dream come true?!

But anyways in the interest of being healthy I've started a month long 5k training plan and amped up my healthy eating. For example yesterday my dinner was a big plate of brussel sprouts. I know. I spared you an entry on that. But this recipe is golden! Drum roll please....

BURRITOS! but healthy burritos :)

Normally I make burritos with the following:

Whole Wheat Tortillas (Guerrero)
Brown Rice (Mahatma, dry in a big bag)
Black beans
Sour Cream
Lots of Mexican shredded cheese

This recipe cuts down on the cheese and is my first stab at a long-time food goal of mine, cooking quinoa! I love rice so I've always wanted to try this. It was really good! Kind of like a grainier cous cous. For this I used:

1 whole wheat tortilla
1/8 cup dry quinoa
1/4 cup Low sodium black beans (safeway)
1 tbsp Frontera salsa double roasted jalapeno (yummm)
1/8 cup shredded mexican cheese

Just cook the quinoa in a rice cooker with 2 parts water, while waiting prepare tortilla with beans and measure out the cheese. When the quinoa is done, heat the tortilla with beans for 30 seconds in the microwave. Add the quinoa onto the tortilla then put the cheese on top and cook 30 more seconds. Add seasoning to taste and enjoy!

It was sooo yummy too. I even ate 2 of them and I am so full I won't eat again for hours and hours. Yay healthy carbs :)

Food porn!

I wanna add avocado next!!

BTW total calories with these brands was 316 per burrito :)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Vanilla Chai Glaze... YUM YUM YUM

YOU GUYS. This recipe rocks. Because pumpkin is the best!!! and so is pumpkin spice. and chai spice is the same idea- cinnamon overload! combined... AWESOMENESS. The cookies taste more like scones because the pumpkin puree makes them so fluffy but they are so so so yummy. And only 79 calories per cookie and 21 for the dip of glaze! 100 total. LEGEN... wait for it... DARY. I got the recipe from here:

But I tweaked it a bit.


2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp cloves
½ tsp salt
½ cup of butter (1 stick), softened
1 ½ cups of sugar
1 cup of pumpkin purée
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract

1. Preheat your oven to 350°. 

2. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices, and salt in a bowl and set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Beat in pumpkin, egg, and vanilla until creamy, then mix in dry ingredients until well-combined.

4. Drop tablespoons of batter onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. 

5. Bake cookies for 15–20 minutes, or until they begin to have just a hint of golden brown around the edges. 

6. Remove from oven and cool complete before frosting.

I added a couple extra spoonfuls of pumpkin, because you know, it rules. :)

I also pressed the cookies with a flour covered fork for the second batch and it worked out a lot nicer because they don't flatten at all when they cook. I also made sure to coat my hands with flour before setting the dough in tablespoons on the sheet because it is VERY sticky. ;)


2 cups of confectionery sugar
3 tbsp milk
1 tbsp melted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 chai tea bag

1. Melt butter in a saucepan and add milk


3. Steep chai tea bag in the liquid for 5 minutes, then discard.

4. Combine together with sugar, vanilla, and milk, and mix until a smooth icing forms.

For this I realize the recipe was HELLA wrong because the "glaze" was a chunky floury dry mess so i overcompensated by doubling the milk and half-doubling the butter and it got super liquidy so i had to add about 1.5 more cups of sugar... hence this GIANT bowl of leftovers....

Dip the cookies if you have a real sweet tooth, or drizzle the icing over top with a fork if you’d like to dial it back a little. 

The calories per cookie are 79 if you use these proportions and make 40 cookies, which is how many i made. They are smallish. The icing is 21 per cookie and based on these proportions with 40 servings, which is fairly accurate because I doubled the icing recipe and barely used even 1/4 of the frosting and I frosted about 2/3 of the cookies. :) ENJOY :)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Vegetable Bake with Rosemary :)

This recipe is bomb because all you do is slice up a bunch of veggies and cover them in spices and olive oil then bake them for an hour and they come out delicious! Or you know, I could lay it down for you.

4 red potatoes
2 zucchinis
one ear white corn
2 cups mixed frozen veggies from safeway (broccoli, snap peas, carrots)
2 handfuls grape tomatoes
1 cup sliced baby bella mushrooms
2 tblsp olive oil
garlic powder

Step 1. Slice veggies. Blot moisture off of zucchini

Step 2. Cut corn off ear and roast in iron skillet. 

Step 3. Shake potatoes and zucchini in a bag with olive oil and spices.

Step 4. Pour everything in a baking dish, add more spices on top, and cover with foil. 

Step 5. Bake at 400 covered for 40 minutes and Uncovered for another 5. Check potato softness to determine if it's done.

YUM. Makes 3 full plate servings at about 480 calories per serving. 350 if you only use 2 potatoes instead of 4 (we decided 4 was overkill for us). 

Healthy Snacks!

I often get asked how I eat all the fattening and sugary filled treats on this blog without gaining weight. Well, I work out. A lot. I also only make these recipes once a month or so and the rest of the time I'm eating almost entirely healthy and keeping track of my daily vitamins and calorie intake. So to appease those looking for healthy options, here are some snacks I eat on a daily basis in addition to the usual salads, crackers, and pieces of fruit :)

Snack #1:
Cucumber slices on whole wheat crackers with fat free cream cheese. Yummmmmmmmmmm. I eat this like every day. Sometimes without crackers. Cucumbers are the best.

Snack 2: Fresh tomatoes! with salt and pepper.

Snack #3: Carrots and hummus! I also dip broccoli in hummus. Hummus is amazing because it makes your veggies more exciting without adding the fat of ranch dressing :)

Snack #4 All fruit smoothie! I made this one with frozen mixed berries, a banana, nonfat milk, orange juice and ice, but I've made variations with no milk or with a peach instead of a banana, etc. :)

Snack #5: Apples with all natural peanut butter (SO MUCH BETTER than Jiff) and local farmer's market honey. Yes Please.

Seeeee I can be healthy, I can! :) <3

Chocolate Cake Pops!

I know, I know, Jenny baking is absurd. I'm well known to hate sweets and not having attempted any baked goods sans cheesecakes in about 3 years I was hesitant to attempt these. But with the help of my lovely kitchen advisor (AND the creator of this recipe) Giana, they turned out amazing! And I added my signature touch with some fun facial hair decorations ;)

Chocolate Cake Pops:


1 box cake mix
1 box frosting mix
chocolate chips
decorations (black frosting, googly eyes, green starbucks sprinkles ;))
Sticks (Sold in baking aisle at Safeway)
cake pop bags (optional)

The ingredients
 Step 1: Make the cake! :) Just follow the directions on the box, any mix will do. Let cool before moving on to next step.

Step 2: Make frosting! Add water a bit at a time til you get the right consistency.

Step 2.5: Arrange the cake and frosting for instagramation
 Step 3: Mix the frosting and the cake! Add a bit of cake at a time, so it stays super MOIST. what an awesome word. Also, admire Giana's feminine hands.

Step 4: BALLS. On a baking sheet with foil and nonstick spray.
 Step 5: Put in the freezer until cold. About 1.5 episodes of netflix How I met your Mother's worth of time.

Step 6: Melt chocolate chips in a bowl and dip the sticks in them, then plunge into balls. This helps them to stick.

Step 7. Freeze again. Another 1.5 episodes :)
Like this! Eat all the ice cream in your freezer to make space. ;)
 Step 8: Put a bowl in the top of a veggie steamer on low heat for a few minutes and melt more chocolate chips. Make sure the bowl is ceramic so it doesn't melt ;)

Mmmmm chocolate
 Step 9: This step is tricky. It works best with 2 people. You must keep stirring the chocolate as you spoon it onto a cake pop so it doesn't burn. Then the second person has about 15 seconds to decorate the pop before it hardens. Decorating is up to you, but I put two eyes on each pop, then used the black cake frosting tube to draw out mustaches and added almonds slivers for noses. You can also just use candies or sprinkles.
Giana's spooning technique

Manpops. Made with black frosting, eyes, and chopped chocolate covered almond noses :)

 Step 10: Place in mugs stick side down to let dry without smearing. About 6 to a mug is what I could fit. Place in fridge and refrigerate overnight. This is very important as I tried to eat some after half an hour and they were super melty and kept falling off the stick. They tasted more like dough. If you wait overnight they are extra thick and fudgy! Yummmmm.

Girly pops in bags with ribbon

Ready for transport!

Sunday 12 August 2012

When the weather gets hot, the hot girls bake in their underwear. (aka blog post with 1 million hits)

So I was chilling with my good friend Francesca and we realized, zucchini rules. So we made zucchini fries. But it was really hot. So we made them in our underwear. While sipping Pinot Noir. It was very refreshing. Enjoy! :)

Baked Zucchini Fries

(Adapted from

About 4 large zucchini
2 c. Italian-seasoned panko bread crumbs
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese (the crumbly stuff, not shreds)
4 eggs

1. Preheat oven to 425. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Set aside.

2.Combine bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Set aside.

3. Whisk 2 eggs together in a shallow pie plate and set aside.

4. Cut the ends off the zucchini and then cut the zucchini in half so you have two short, stubby pieces. Set one piece on its end and cut it in half lengthwise. Cut that half in half, making 2 planks. Repeat with the remaining halves (so you’ll get 16 planks per zucchini). Stack 2 planks on top of each other and cut into strips. When all the fries are cut, blot the pieces with a paper towel.

5. Working with a small handful at a time, dip the zucchini sticks in the egg, shake them to remove any excess, and then roll them in about 2-3 tablespoons of bread crumbs at a time, adding more as needed; you just don’t want to work with all the bread crumbs at once because they’ll soak up moisture from the egg and won’t stick to the zucchini. Place the coated strips on the prepared baking sheet and repeat until all the zucchini strips have been coated.

6. Bake for 10-12 minutes in the prepared oven then remove from oven, flip the fries, and bake for another 10-12 minutes or until the zucchini is not soggy and the coating is crisp and golden brown. 

Almost as beautiful as 2 Italian girls in their underwear... almost. ;) 

6. Sauce- We used a can of diced tomatoes mixed with dry salsa in a blender, but almost any tomato or ranch-based sauce will do. Enjoy!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Crack in a pan


5lbs potatoes
3 tsp. salt
12 oz. pkg. soft cream cheese
16 oz. container of sourcream
2 tbls. butter 
6 tbls. parsley 
1 tsp pepper

First, peel potatoes. If you are left-handed and not using a dual peeler this is SUPER FUN GUYS!! 

Make sure to cut out all the eyes and spots. Boil potatoes for about 45 minutes until they are thuroughly soft and fall apart when poked with a fork. 

Drain into collinder and return to pot. Mash 'em up real good. 

Then pour in 1000 calories of cheesy goodness, butter, and pretty green stuff. Basically everything on the above ingredients list.

Grease 2 qt. baking dish with MORE BUTTER WOOO and spread potatoes into dish. 

Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until golden brown on top. 

Top with PAPRIKA. aka Salt n Peppa's love child on blue's clues. Makes it extra impressive looking but adds no taste value.

Can be made ahead of time and baked later

Serves 8 to 16 people depending on how many are pigs. ;)

Monday 30 July 2012

7 Steps to Zucchini Heaven

Fried Zucchini. Delicious, not nutritious. Solution: Baking! The thing it's almost impossible for me to mess up (unless it's chicken... chicken hates me). Thus, I searched for baked zucchini on Pinterest (the best website ever for recipes... and also pictures of Ryan Gosling. Not that that's why I spend so much time on it or anything... I'm learning to cook Mom, get off my back!). Anyways, this is the first one I found so I went with it. Mangia!

Zucchini Boats

1. Cut a zucchini in half lengthwise and trim a little off the bottom so it sit still in a baking dish
2. Scoop out the center where the seeds are with a spoon
3. Brush the surface with a mixture of crushed garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper
4. Arrange halved grape tomatoes into the grooves

5. sprinkle with (LOTS of) bread crumbs and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes
6. Remove and place diced fresh mozzarella in between the tomatoes, place them back in, but now under the broiler til golden and bubbling

7. Remove and add a sprinkling of grated parmesan.

Original Recipe can be found here: