Wednesday 19 September 2012

Chocolate Cake Pops!

I know, I know, Jenny baking is absurd. I'm well known to hate sweets and not having attempted any baked goods sans cheesecakes in about 3 years I was hesitant to attempt these. But with the help of my lovely kitchen advisor (AND the creator of this recipe) Giana, they turned out amazing! And I added my signature touch with some fun facial hair decorations ;)

Chocolate Cake Pops:


1 box cake mix
1 box frosting mix
chocolate chips
decorations (black frosting, googly eyes, green starbucks sprinkles ;))
Sticks (Sold in baking aisle at Safeway)
cake pop bags (optional)

The ingredients
 Step 1: Make the cake! :) Just follow the directions on the box, any mix will do. Let cool before moving on to next step.

Step 2: Make frosting! Add water a bit at a time til you get the right consistency.

Step 2.5: Arrange the cake and frosting for instagramation
 Step 3: Mix the frosting and the cake! Add a bit of cake at a time, so it stays super MOIST. what an awesome word. Also, admire Giana's feminine hands.

Step 4: BALLS. On a baking sheet with foil and nonstick spray.
 Step 5: Put in the freezer until cold. About 1.5 episodes of netflix How I met your Mother's worth of time.

Step 6: Melt chocolate chips in a bowl and dip the sticks in them, then plunge into balls. This helps them to stick.

Step 7. Freeze again. Another 1.5 episodes :)
Like this! Eat all the ice cream in your freezer to make space. ;)
 Step 8: Put a bowl in the top of a veggie steamer on low heat for a few minutes and melt more chocolate chips. Make sure the bowl is ceramic so it doesn't melt ;)

Mmmmm chocolate
 Step 9: This step is tricky. It works best with 2 people. You must keep stirring the chocolate as you spoon it onto a cake pop so it doesn't burn. Then the second person has about 15 seconds to decorate the pop before it hardens. Decorating is up to you, but I put two eyes on each pop, then used the black cake frosting tube to draw out mustaches and added almonds slivers for noses. You can also just use candies or sprinkles.
Giana's spooning technique

Manpops. Made with black frosting, eyes, and chopped chocolate covered almond noses :)

 Step 10: Place in mugs stick side down to let dry without smearing. About 6 to a mug is what I could fit. Place in fridge and refrigerate overnight. This is very important as I tried to eat some after half an hour and they were super melty and kept falling off the stick. They tasted more like dough. If you wait overnight they are extra thick and fudgy! Yummmmm.

Girly pops in bags with ribbon

Ready for transport!

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