Friday 25 May 2012

Pita Pizzas!

As a recent college grad (11 months is totally still recent so shhh), I'm pretty lazy in the kitchen. Part of this blog existing is to motivate me to cook more. But today I came home exhausted from work and stuck to my fallback-- Pita Pizzas! I like to pretend that I single handedly thought of these and invented them last year, but I'm sure some other lazy bum has made them before me. Basically you just take a whole pita and pretend it's pizza crust. Add the veggies you would normally stuff into the pita on top instead, and use either pesto or tomato sauce as a base. Or even olive oil if you're out of ingredients! Today I made one with tomato sauce, spinach, mushrooms, olives, grape tomatoes, and feta cheese because that's what I had lying around. I also added fried zucchini on top that i sauteed in olive oil, then put salt and pepper on everything. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes until the spinach shrinks up and it looks nice and toasted. Yum!

Here's the one I made today, and some others from the past are below.

Pesto pizza with parmesan, feta, and bacon bits.

Tomato sauce, Prosciutto, mozzarella, feta, parmesan, spinach pizza, before it's cooked.

Same pizza after the oven. Melty cheese and shrunken spinach. Yum!!

Variation Using BBQ sauce instead of Tomato Sauce

Variation with BBQ sauce olives, mexican cheese, tomatoes and parmesan

I hope this has been a wonderful lesson in laziness and utilizing the same ingredients in multiple recipes! haha. Because the one I made today was basically the pita from last week but warmed up with tomato sauce :) Happy cooking!

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