Thursday 29 March 2012

Spinach and Artichoke Spreadable Cheese Stuffed Mushroom Caps

Sometimes you're just really freaking lazy, and happen to love cheese.

This is what I do during those times to avoid succumbing to fast food. Takes only 20 minutes to make!

Alouette Spinach and Artichoke Spreadable Cheese
Portabello Mushrooms (whole, small from the vegetable aisle)
Bread Crumbs
Butter, Pam, or Oil for non-stick


Preheat oven to 375ยบ F.

Wash mushrooms and remove stems.

Place mushroom caps hollow side up on tin foil lined, buttered baking sheet. Fill each cap with a spoonful of Alouette Artichoke and Spinach Spreadable Cheese and sprinkle with seasoned bread crumbs (I used Progresso Italian Style because it's delicious).

Bake 12-14 minutes. Add more bread crumbs if desired. Serve.

Yummy in your Tummy

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